eMudhra is a Licensed Time Stamping Authority (TSA) in India, regulated by CCA under Information Technology Ministry. eMudhra issues a unique and irrefutable time stamp upon request from users, to provide proof that it existed at a certain point in time. (Users can also use eMudhra Client application to generate Time Stamp). The certified Time will be in Indian Standard Time (IST) synchronized with National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
Digital Time stamping is the process of securely keeping track of the creation and modification time of a document. Security here means that no one not even the owner of the document should be able to change it once it has been recorded provided that the time stamper?s integrity is never compromised. eMudhra timestamp authority achieves this by cryptographically binding the data?s unique hash (typically a SHA-1/2 hash value) with the current date and time that is synchronised with the trusted time source.
eMudhra Time Stamping Service is available for use by all kinds of users, in below model:
All these services are available at a subscription model. For enquiries, please contact info@e-mudhra.com..